Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Life is short!

Suddenly there are many reasons to believe that life is too short. First one seems to be my heart, which is doing some customary self checks now. Second one is my hand, which is going through a painful problem, RSI. Third is my home, where, hopes of my independence is increasing.

What these three seem to have done together is, to question the obvious, to cast a shadow of doubt over my so-far-safe choices, to open me to the multitude of choices by firmly closing down one or two, to give me a fresh air.

It feels like being born again. I don't know how long this feeling will last. I might end up sticking to the seemingly safe path again. But, it is relieving, to say the least, that I am not blind to the options now. If only I can follow my heart, journey is going to be exciting.

One thing I keep reminding myself of is that whatever I do, it's going to be with a body and mind abused for over 25 years. The effect can't be undone in a day or two, with most of it permanent. At the same time, the experience I've had is a wealth too. I have seen some good changes happening in me, over all these years, though I suspect if they are shallow and if I shall remain the same, underneath it all.

By the way, I read Harry Potter and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wanted to write more about it, but let me save it for later. Now reading 'One hundred years of solitude'.

Sticking to my old habits will help me, by intoxicating me and making me rush across the doors of change, I think.

Bloody, whatever I write, it doesn't touch what my heart is going through. What's the point, then? Why is it so? My usual secretive self? May be. Ego? Of course, a possibility.

Forget it; I'm getting used to it. Whatever one does, it seems to be only a substitute of something one couldn't do. Ha haa! Curse the moment I started thinking; probably I didn't get a biscuit then.


வித்யாசாகரன் (Vidyasakaran) said...

'Life is short' here means that there are lot of things I have to do, I would like to do, and at any rate, the remaining time is not sufficient. Because there are things that can't be done when I am 30, there are things that I can't do when I am 40.

Even leaving this age thing aside, the remaining 30-35 active years are not sufficient to do all that one dreams of doing.

And, my 'heart' doing some self-checks is to find out if I am really doing what I want to do, what I should do next etc...

Nothing more. Nothing less!

வித்யாசாகரன் (Vidyasakaran) said...

I considered RSI to be a reminder that warns me about the time that is running out, reminder that says my body is not the same anymore.