Sunday, January 07, 2007

A little mess, dude, do a world of good!

Another Sunday morning; and I was sitting by the window reading 'Book Review', a supplementary of San Francisco Chronicle. There was a column titled ‘Why a little mess is good for you’ and the sub title read ‘Overplanning, obsessive neatness interferes with creative flexibility’. Oh my… What the hell!? So, authors have so run out of subjects to write about, that they have to write about this? Why should they write a ‘book’ on this?
A little mess, dude
Do a world of good!
Won’t this line be sufficient? Why should they write a whole book and take the fun away from being messy? I’m not going to read the review. What was the title of the book, anyway? ‘A Perfect Mess: The Hidden benefits of Disorder’. Oh! Will it remain disorder after one writes a book listing down the benefits? Disgusting!

BTW, Happy New Year! Let the ‘BTW’ not deceive you, though it may sound as a passing remark, a bored greeting or an indifferent salute, this new year wish from me comes from my heart.

Let’s see what 2007 does!
2006 tested me a lot. Physically, emotionally, professionally… Ally! It was a great teacher. My horoscope says I have ‘Guruchandala dhosha’. Even if I end up blaming 2006, I have all the gratitude for it a teacher deserves. Thank you 2006!

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