Monday, February 20, 2006


Why do I write here? Is it because I haven't got one to listen to all these things? Probably. I know, it can be quite boring for someone to listen to all the blabbering that I do. And, when I get someone who is willing to listen, probably I won't write here. But, there will always be something that you have, with no takers.

How about sharing thoughts with other people? I'm interested. But I won't consider blog as the medium for that. Now, it's just dumping the thoughts. You go through a few of posts in several blogs and you get hooked to someone's way of thinking. And, then comes sharing of thoughts. But, it will never be equal to having someone near you to share your thoughts.

So, basically, what I think I'm doing here is talking to myself. And, talking to nobody, when there is nobody listening, and I wish there is someone.

Let me sign off, before I get into my usual wandering...

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